The Sombrero Galaxy, M104, (Constell. Virgo) is 28 million light yrs. from Earth. Voted best picture
taken by the Hubble telescope. It has 800 billion suns/50,000 light years across.
The Eskimo Nebula, NGC 2392 (Constell. Gemini), called "Eskimo" because it looks like
a face surrounded by a furry hood. 5,000 light years from Earth.
#5 The HourGlass Nebula, MyCn 18, is produced by the expansion
of a fast stellar wind within a slowly expanding cloud which is denser near its equator than its poles.
#7 The Swan Nebula, M17 (Constell. Sagittarius)-a bubbly ocean
of glowing hydrogen gas & small amounts of oxygen, sulphur & other elements.
Two colliding & merging galaxies called NGC 2207 and IC 2163.
#2 The Ant Nebula, Mz3, a cloud of dust and gas, resembles an
ant when observed through a telescope. Lies within Milky Way Galaxy, approximately 4,500 light years from Earth.
#4 The Cat's Eye Nebula, NGC 6543 (Constell. Draco) It is a planetary nebula and
is one of of the most complex nebula known, also one of the most beautiful.
#6 The Cone Nebula, NGC 2264. The Cone's shape comes from a dark
absorption nebula consisting of cold molecular hydrogen & dust in front of a faint emission nebula.
#8 "Starry Night", so named because it reminded astronomers of the
Van Gogh painting. It is a halo of light around a giant red-star in the Milky Way.
#10 The Trifid Nebula, M20 (constell. Sagittarius). A
"stellar nursery" where new stars are being born.